Rick Flume, Bankruptcy Attorney

Emergency Bankruptcy Filings

Call a San Antonio bankruptcy attorney for assistance!

Some debtors need to expedite the bankruptcy filing process so that they can get an automatic stay established sooner rather than later. An automatic stay, which begins as soon as the bankruptcy paperwork is filed, puts an immediate stop to creditors’ collection efforts and actions. There may be a debtor who is racing the clock in order to avoid a looming foreclosure, vehicle repossession, creditor lawsuit or other harmful action. In these types of situations, the debtor oftentimes simply is not able to complete all of the bankruptcy paperwork in time. In cases such as these, the debtor should consider the possibility of submitting an emergency bankruptcy filing. This allows the individual to submit only part of the paperwork, obtain the immediate automatic stay and then submit the remaining paperwork within the next couple of weeks.

My name is Rick Flume, and I am a San Antonio bankruptcy lawyer who can help you submit an emergency filing so you can secure immediate financial relief. I am familiar with the process of submitting these types of bankruptcy filings, so I am able to guide you through each step of the process. Do not hesitate to turn to my law firm for legal support.

What is needed for an emergency filing?

There are three forms that you must submit when completing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 emergency bankruptcy filing. These include the following:

Additional paperwork may also be required in certain districts, so it is best to check the requirements of your local bankruptcy court. Once the emergency filing is submitted, the filer only has a period of 14 days to submit the rest of the required paperwork. If this is not done, a case dismissal will likely occur.

For assistance with your emergency bankruptcy filing, contact my firm! I can get you started with a free case evaluation.

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